Monday, November 24, 2014

Staffing Industry Professional Development

Canadian Certified Personnel Consultant CPC  
Winnipeg - Register December 3, 2014  
Calgary - Register December 2, 2014

Not all staffing companies are created equal. The same goes for recruiters. Client managers repeatedly tell us that the most significant factor in selecting their staffing service company or recruitment firm is the person they deal with.
Sure, brand matters, technology matters, specialties, size, locations and reputation all matter. But, in the end, the actual recruiters and the people on the service team make customers happy. (and unhappy).
Dedicated recruitment industry professionals know how important it is to differentiate themselves from the rest of the pack. That's why top performing staffing professionals don't think twice about achieving their Certified Personnel Consultant (CPC) designation as a credible and demonstrative differentiation.

Hiring managers want a rapport with their recruiter that is based upon "Trust and Confidence". In gathering Trust and Confidence, they look at the credentials and qualifications of the recruiters and account managers. Trust and Confidence go well beyond an agency’s name and brochure. They are developed, they are earned, they are proven; and then they ultimately are given.

Hiring managers may not ask whether your staffing agency is a member of ACSESS. You should never miss the opportunity to tell them anyways. Tell your clients and prospects and candidates that as a member of the Association of Canadian Search, Employment and Staffing Services, you have pledged to uphold the industry’s code of ethics and standards. The code addresses everything from disclosure of information to adherence to laws and respect of individuals. Active membership in ACSESS lends credibility to a client's decision to lend you their Trust and Confidence.

Don't miss the opportunity to print the letters “CPC” behind your name. The Certified Personnel Consultant designation is the only certification for professionals working within the Canadian staffing industry. A recruiter with the “CPC” credentials has made a commitment to the their profession, to the industry and to professional performance. If you've got it, flaunt it.

The CPC courses and exams address important topics such as the legal aspects of staffing services, human rights, privacy laws, employment standards, employment equity, health and safety, recruitment and selection techniques, and industry ethics.
A staffing industry professional with the CPC designation can speak proudly of a commitment to professional conduct and skilled practices.

ACSESS local chapters play an important role in promoting and offering CPC sessions.
I'm looking forward to delivering CPC courses in both Calgary, Alberta on December 2, 2014 and in Winnipeg, Manitoba on December 3, 2014. My visits to Western Canada will also include appearances at ACSESS Chapter events. I'll be speaking on "Inspirational Leadership" while in Calgary and while in Winnipeg, I will present a repeat of the ACSESS Conference favorite session "Stop Trying to Change Me". Read More about Winnipeg - Register December 3, 2014   Read More about Calgary - Register December 2, 2014

Register your seats today!


Unknown said...

Useful information shared. I am very happy to read this article. Thanks for giving us nice info. Fantastic walk through. I appreciate this post.
professional staffing services

Recruitment Agency Toronto said...

Fantastic Information on Staffing Industry. Thanks for sharing the useful information.

Anonymous said...

When I was using a staffing service it was easy to feel like I wasn't a big priority. This is why I think it is important to find a staffing company that will really give you the attention that you deserve. This is why I take my time now to find the best staffing company for me.

Mabel Wagner @ The Call Center Group A-Z

Joey said...

Great information! Anyone can open up shop and call themselves a staffing agency but those who are diligent to become ACSESS members are usually the ones diligent enough to actually do a great job for their clients. I cannot stress the importance of having credentials behind whatever business you are a part of. Thanks for this post.